Re: HTML tidy and Win 2000

* hannah nichols wrote:
>I've tried based on the instructions on the wc3 page. 
>but it just sits there, doing nothing!

Hm, I guess you simply clicked on tidy.exe in the windows explorer. Tidy
is a command line utility, you have to supply command line arguments if
you want tidy to do something. Tidy is not just sitting there and does
nothin, it waits for input from stdin. Try open a DOS-Box (or whatever
it is called in US-English Windows 2000 Envoirements) and type e.g.

  C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP> c:\tidy\tidy.exe -h
Björn Höhrmann { }
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Received on Friday, 13 July 2001 18:09:24 UTC