nomenclature of tidy.exe

A fair number of messages here take some trouble to distinguish between
different versions of tidy.exe (the Win32 binary). Other messages exhibit
varying degrees of conscious or unconscious confusion about which
version is which.

As I'm a non-programmer and haven't contributed anything whatever to the
development of Tidy, any suggestion of mine for it might well be
impertinent (as well as uninformed and stupid). But FW-little-IW: Yes,
when you run the program you can see which version it is. But in
addition to this, how about distributing the binary not simply as
tidy.exe but instead compressed within (expressing the
date), (expressing the version [and, not knowing which
version it is, I've chosen "1.43" at random]), or similar?

Yours ignorantly but always appreciatively. . . .

Peter Evans <>

Received on Monday, 5 March 2001 22:28:14 UTC