Bug Report [2000 August 04 release]

I'm afraid that tidy is not handling nested <q>s properly.

<q>So then I said to him, <q>don't go there.</q></q>
is turned into
<q>So then I said to him,</q> don't go there.

The results when both <q>s occur inside other spans are particulary confused.
T. M. Pederson <salvage@plethora.net>
PGP key fingerprint = 48 94 7A 54 59 B6 C0 77  1F F6 94 55 0C 55 51 C4
"...and so the moral of the story is: Always make backups."
"But that was the moral last night, and the night before that too!"

Received on Sunday, 21 January 2001 12:17:28 UTC