help needed

I have downloaded tidyCOM.dll and am using it to
transfer HTML to XHTML through VB using the code

Set TidyObj = CreateObject("TidyCOM.TidyObject")
TidyObj.Options.doctype = "strict"
TidyObj.Options.DropFontTags = True
TidyObj.Options.OutputXhtml = True
TidyObj.Options.Indent = 2 'AutoIndent
TidyObj.Options.TabSize = 8
TidyObj.TidyToFile "C:\VB\cook.htm", "C:\VB\cook1.htm"

however, for some files, it doesnt create the XHTML
file(e.g. cook1.htm)

can u please explain why this happens?

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Received on Monday, 8 January 2001 00:35:42 UTC