Re: HTML Tidy failing on div

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Kevin L. Papendick wrote:

> Does anyone have any ideas why HTML Tidy would render this "div" tag:
> <div id="dumbo" class="absolute" style="left:0px;top:0px;width:181">
> as this:
> <div id="dumbo" class="absolute c3">

You should also have a line in the <style> element that says:

 div.c3 {left:0px;top:0px;width:181}

Tidy has cleaned the document of presentational markup, including style
attributes (making it easier to read and maintain as well as reducing the
size in the process). If this is a problem, turn off the 'clean' option.

hope this helps,
Daniel Biddle <>

Received on Friday, 22 June 2001 18:18:31 UTC