Re: XML Tidy?

In <>, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <> writes:
> I was wondering if there exists any version or variant or configuration of
> Tidy which could deal with an XML/HTML hybrid? More specifically I need to
> just deal with the stuff that would appear inside the BODY tag, without adding
> the HTML, HEAD, and TITLE tags. I have tried a lot of configuration options
> for HTML Tidy, but have had no success so far.

You can either use the -xml option to only process the fragment as an XML 
fragment, however this will not do any of the usual HTML cleanup.

Or, run the fragment through tidy using the -asxml option, then extract 
everything between <body> and </body>.

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Monday, 18 June 2001 14:35:08 UTC