How to preserve & # 160;

What iwant to do

<footag>&amp;#160;</footag> occurs,

I want to change a Html document into a XHTML Document and the  i want to add some processing instruction
to it.
Laterone i want to process this xhtml File.

The Problem is :
the string <td>& # 160;<td> is transformed into
<td> </td>

and the result of

<xsl:value-of select="//td"/>

is <td> <td> instead of <td>& n b s p;</td>

As i see , i  have 2 possebilitys to tidy a html Document:

I can get a w3c.dom.Document from JTIDY but & # 160  is then already changed into a blank space.

I can write the tidied Html as Xhtml Document to the disk.And then i can parse this Document in and then &
# 160 is change into a blank space.I can do what i want & # 160 is alway changed intoa blanck space. :-(

Has anyone of you a idea how to deal with that ?

Thx a lot,


Received on Friday, 25 May 2001 11:26:32 UTC