the batch file

find /v /n "" %1 > %1_num.txt
copy %1 "%1_newver.htm"
tidy.exe -config config.txt -f %1_notes.txt -modify "%1_newver.htm"

Hi All
About a month ago I got around to making a batch file, so you can right
click on to the HTML file that has to be "tidied up"
or given the green lights, Then last week I showed to someone , and
found a error.

First you have to set up the "send to" , that will run the batch file
code on the first three lines

1. Right click the "start" button
2. Click on to "Explore".
3. Open the "send to folder" normally the "C:\windows\SendTo"
4. Right click inside the folder on the white space below were the files
are and select "New".
5. Then. Select the "Shortcut".
6. Browse for the batch file you just made and are making the shortcut
for. In this case it is (run_tidy.bat ??)
7. Then click on to "Next >"
8. If you are happy with the name click "Finish".

You right click that file, use "send to" to go to that batch file code,
And this is great, I use it all the time.

you can include also if you don't already have on your "send to" list
Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Notepad, Wordpad, HTML Kit
you can send HTML files to any of the programs above plus tidy of

>From Eric

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2001 15:31:38 UTC