RE: FW: Making HTML Tidy a supported library

Hi Bjoern,

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but I was out sick most of last week.

Anyhow, I think your approach to DOM integration is sound and highlights the
need for a supported Tidy library.

Thanks for the pointers to Terry's site.  It looks like a valuable resource.

I thinks it's too soon to get into the meat of the design issues util we
have a basic organizational approach in place.  First things first.  Btw, I
wasn't proposing Expat necessarily as a design model but an _organizational_

As far as that goes, I think we could look to the tidylib portion of TidyGUI
and your module as reasonable starting points for such a lib.  I don't see a
requirement for a wholesale redesign at this point.  Rather, a formalization
and stabilization of the status quo.  Is there any interest in modularizing
JTidy along similar lines?

Finally, I guess we could just plow ahead and build a new tidy lib.  But I'd
much rather do it w/ Dave Raggett's blessing and, better still,
participation.  It might be counter productive to splinter Tidy development.
At a minimum, I'd hope for an update to the Tidy website to point to a
Source Forge project for source and downloads.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bjoern Hoehrmann []
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 6:42 PM
To: Reitzel, Charlie
Subject: Re: FW: Making HTML Tidy a supported library

* Reitzel, Charlie wrote:
>Any plans for these types of changes or even a maintenance release for all
>the patches since last summer?  I didn't see a response to Bjoern's message
>on the list.

There were yours... :-)

>Tidy has been a tremendous help, and I'm looking to do more work with it.
>Expat might be a good organizational model to follow.

Yes, definitly (with the exception, that Expat is an event-based XML
parser, HTML Tidy could be something alike, but that wouldn't be usable,
since HTML Tidys power comes from it's ability to clean up a given tree.
I've written, merly for an educational purpose (since I'm just a C
rookie and an XS novice :-), an unreleased Perl module
HTML::Parser::Tidy that uses Tidy to build a tree and then fires SAX
events to a Perl object to rebuild the tree for XML::DOM or XML::XPath.
While writing this module (and doing more and more ugly hacks in the
Tidy sources), I came to the conclusion, that one could get far more
features out of Tidy, so I've written the referenced posting to ease the
incorporation of Tidy in other envoirments...)

>I'd also like to
>contribute more updates to the Word 2000 conversion (I mailed in one bug
>patch to the mailing list).  I'd also like to get all the other patches
>people have mailed in.

Same for all of us.

>A Source Forge project would make it much easier to
>collect bug reports and patches and apply them.

Terry Teague already collected a lot of reported bugs, see

 * and

There are actually more, since Terry stopped to collect them. Anybody
else who kept track of bug reports and/or feature requests? 

>How do other developers of Tidy add-ons feel about this issue?

The HTML Tidy licence allows us to modify and redistribute the given
code, so it would be possible to start a Sourceforge project with the
latest codebase and fix the given bugs. This would be what James Clark
did with Expat. Dave seems to be too busy to work on Tidy, if we want to
continue HTML Tidys development, that'd be the best thing to do, I'd
like to hear what Dave think about that, but since he didn't reply the
last months to my mails and mails on this list, I have small hope to
hear from him, so I'd suggest to start the project anyways.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
25899 Dagebüll { PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 }

Received on Monday, 14 May 2001 14:05:01 UTC