Re: HTML Tidy.. -Reply

On 4 Apr 2001, at 14:32, Erik Akelaitis wrote:

> As a matter of fact, myself and the software engineer who I tested this
> with tried the -m or -modify command and it did not save the file. 

The "-m" command line option works fine here under Windows NT.  However, 
note that the HTML Tidy documentation at:


  Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version when there are problems that it
  can't be sure of how to handle. These are logged as "errors" rather than
  "warnings". if you have any errors listed, the "-m" option will not have any 
effect.  Also, if you have the "write-back: no" option in a configuration 
file, that may override the "-m" option on the command line, depending on 
the order of processing.

If you don't have any errors, and you're not using a configuration file, 
then please send us the exact command line you're using to run Tidy, along 
with the version date of Tidy that you're using (do "tidy -v" to get the 

                                      -- Dave

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2001 15:15:21 UTC