Re: Absolute vs. relative references

In <,1>, Howard Kaikow <> writes:
> Does the HTML, or other spec, state anything about whether absolute or
> relative paths should be used in, e.g., HREFs for content local to that web
> site.

Either way of writing URL references is valid, and which one is better depends 
on your site structure, for example I personally favour using absolute paths 
for content in another branch of the site tree, instead of using 
../../../../../otherbranch/index.html from one file and ../../../../../../otherbranch/index.html
from another.

> Using relative paths allows the downloading of a set of pages so that they
> may be used without being connect to the internet.

Depends on how clever the program downloading the files is, it may be able to 
replace paths, for example with Netscape you can get paths changed by
editing the page, then saving it locally.

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2000 06:56:43 UTC