Bug + fix: Inline emphasis inconsistently propagated into CM_MIXED

4-Aug-2000 Tidy sometimes, but not always, propagates inline emphasis
tags into tags marked as CM_MIXED.  Neither HTML 4.01 or the older 3.2
address this issue as far as I can tell.  However, I'm guessing that the
propagation is incorrect since it a) doesn't always occur; b) can result
in a badly placed end tag; c) doesn't seem to be needed by either
Netscape or IE; d) is caused by an apparent coding inconsistency.

The coding inconsistency is in ParseBlock() in parser.c.  That routine
makes three calls to InlineDup().  Two of them test CM_MIXED before
making the call, but the third does not.  The patch below makes the
third call look like the other two.  This causes inline emphasis tags to
consistently NOT get propagated if CM_MIXED is set.

In the example document below, the first font size="1" is propagated
into the noscript element while second is not.  The difference is
whether the noscript element's first child is an element or a text node.
Note that the propagation causes the </noscript> end tag to be
misplaced, putting the "OUTSIDE" text inside the noscript.  I think
this misplacement is a separate bug, but I didn't pursue it further.


--- parser.c    Fri Aug 04 16:32:04 2000
+++ \temp\parser.c      Fri Dec 15 10:51:38 2000
@@ -843,20 +843,23 @@
         /* parse known element */
         if (node->type == StartTag || node->type == StartEndTag)
             if (node->tag->model & CM_INLINE)
                 if (checkstack && !node->implicit)
                     checkstack = no;

-                    if (InlineDup(lexer, node) > 0)
-                        continue;
+                    if (!(element->tag->model & CM_MIXED))
+                    {
+                        if (InlineDup(lexer, node) > 0)
+                            continue;
+                    }

                 mode = MixedContent;
                 checkstack = yes;
                 mode = IgnoreWhitespace;

------------------------ Example HTML document -------------------------
<font size="1"><noscript><span>inside</span></noscript> OUTSIDE</font> <br>
<font size="1"><noscript>X<span>inside</span></noscript> OUTSIDE</font>

------------------------- Output before patch --------------------------
Tidy (vers 4th August 2000) Parsing "bug.html"
line 4 column 26 - Warning: inserting implicit <font>
line 4 column 45 - Warning: replacing unexpected </noscript> by </font>
line 4 column 64 - Warning: missing </noscript> before </font>

bug.html: Document content looks like HTML 4.01 Transitional
3 warnings/errors were found!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see www.w3.org">
<font size="1"><noscript><font size="1"><span>inside</span></font>
OUTSIDE</noscript></font> <br>
<font size="1"><noscript>X<span>inside</span></noscript>

You are recommended to use CSS to specify the font and
properties such as its size and color. This will reduce
the size of HTML files and make them easier maintain
compared with using <FONT> elements.

HTML & CSS specifications are available from http://www.w3.org/
To learn more about Tidy see http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/
Please send bug reports to Dave Raggett care of <html-tidy@w3.org>
Lobby your company to join W3C, see http://www.w3.org/Consortium

------------------------- Output after patch ---------------------------
Tidy (vers 4th August 2000) Parsing "bug.html"

bug.html: Document content looks like HTML 4.01 Transitional
no warnings or errors were found

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see www.w3.org">
<font size="1"><noscript><span>inside</span></noscript>
OUTSIDE</font> <br>
<font size="1"><noscript>X<span>inside</span></noscript>

Received on Friday, 15 December 2000 13:51:33 UTC