Re: Tidy ...

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> * "Northover, John" <> wrote:
> | I have the book "HTML The Definitive Guide", Musciano & Kennedy,
> | OREILLY-publisher.
> | I cannot find any reference to  <script> "type" attribute.
> | I cannot find the reference to <table> "summary" attribute.
> | I would appreciate any information on where "type" and "summary" are listed

w3 is the organization that sets the HTML standard. O'reilly's books try
to cover it as well as information how browsers implement it. I only
have their "Dynamic HTML" and there, <script type=""> is described as is
<table summary="">. I would be astonished if it was not somewhere in
your book.

> | Attributes: "bordercolordark" and "bordercolorlight" are listed under the
> | <TABLE> tag in the book, pg 345.
> | This may be a bug in your program, as <TABLE> is listed as having the above
> | mentioned attributes.
> The official HTML 4.01 recommendation does not include these attributes.

These are instances of HTML attributes which are not defined by the w3
HTML standard, but which where invented by Micro$oft for the Internet
Explorer 3. (BTW I have this info from my O'reilly book)

The author of tidy decided that his code should warn you of any
non-standard HTML. That is why bordercolordark and bordercolorlight are
reported. Nevertheless tidy treats them just like any other
attribute. So you can use them and tidy in parallel without problems.

The <table summary=""> and the <script type=""> attributes are
recommended to be used. That is why tidy reports when they are
missing. But again tidy can live with code where they are not existing.

> --
> Björn Höhrmann ^ ^
> am Badedeich 7 ° Telefon: +49(0)4667/981ASK °
> 25899 Dagebüll # PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 # +{i}
> ..weaving a secure, well-formed, standard compliant WWW for =everyone=..

Cheers alex          Alexander Biron

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Received on Friday, 20 October 2000 04:22:01 UTC