Tidy ...

Below is a portion of Tidy's results run on one of my HTML documents.

I have the book "HTML The Definitive Guide", Musciano & Kennedy,
I cannot find any reference to  <script> "type" attribute.
I cannot find the reference to <table> "summary" attribute.
I would appreciate any information on where "type" and "summary" are listed

Attributes: "bordercolordark" and "bordercolorlight" are listed under the
<TABLE> tag in the book, pg 345.
This may be a bug in your program, as <TABLE> is listed as having the above
mentioned attributes.

***************** edited results of:
Tidy (vers 30th April 2000) Parsing "tpc01.html"

line 10 column 1 - Warning: <script> lacks "type" attribute
line 30 column 1 - Warning: unknown attribute "bordercolordark"
line 30 column 1 - Warning: unknown attribute "bordercolorlight"
line 30 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 42 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute

The table summary attribute should be used to describe
the table structure. It is very helpful for people using
non-visual browsers. The scope and headers attributes for
table cells are useful for specifying which headers apply
to each table cell, enabling non-visual browsers to provide
a meaningful context for each cell.

Any Information would be greatly appreciated.


HTML & CSS specifications are available from http://www.w3.org/
To learn more about Tidy see http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/
Please send bug reports to Dave Raggett care of <html-tidy@w3.org>
Lobby your company to join W3C, see http://www.w3.org/Consortium

There are three kinds of people, those that can count and those who can't

John R. Northover
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Received on Thursday, 19 October 2000 14:26:43 UTC