Jakarta Ant build file for Java Tidy


As I was unable to build JTidy using the supplied Makefile, I wrote a
simple Jakarta Ant build file for compiling and packaging. You can
find the file at


I also sent a copy to the maintainer.

Nevertheless, the attached Ant build file should do the job on all
Java platforms. It has the following targets:

     % ant compile # compilations
     % ant jar     # build the jar
     % ant javadoc # create the javadoc
     % ant jtidy   # all of the above (default)

The build.xml file should be placed in the make/ subdirectory with the
rest of the makefiles.

The build file probably has some faults, but it did the job for me.


lempinen@iki.fi http://www.iki.fi/lempinen/

Received on Sunday, 3 September 2000 12:36:53 UTC