check for twice defined attributes ?

JTidy, 4. August


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="ffffff"
align="center" height="100%" width="100%" align="center" valign="middle">

I now saw very often webpages out there where attributes are defined twice
(by mistake). These double existing attributes are copied by jtidy in the
result document.

The xerces parser I use with xalan e.g. does not accept these twice
defined attributes and exits the conversion process XML->*ml using XSL. 

Is this going to be covered by one of the next versions of tidy or should
I write an additional filter to eleminate one of these attributes ?

Frank Steuer 
for public PGP-key: finger -l

Received on Sunday, 20 August 2000 19:00:05 UTC