JTidy: XML Output

Hi all...

I am using JTidy to take an HTML file and output it as XML.

It seems to work fine until I try to run the resulting file through
Sun's JAXP parser.  In HTML documents that contain '&copy' for the
copyright symbol, JAXP says: 'Reference to undefined entity "©'.

Is '&copy' not a valid XML entry?  If so, is there a way to ensure that
JTidy does not output this?

I also initially had the same problem with ' ', but calling
Tidy.setQuoteNbsp(false) fixed that.

Thanks for any advice!

.oO Nayan Hajratwala - moc.tenalaw@nayan http://www.walanet.com Oo.
.oO       "Everything's gonna be alright" - Bob Marley          Oo.

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Received on Monday, 14 August 2000 17:38:31 UTC