RE: Inserted spaces "="

Hi Richard...

> 	<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="test.css">
> 	<meta name="AUTHOR" content="Anyone">
> 	<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content=
> 	"The Consultative Group.">
> Yes, fine, that involves *no* change whatsoever in the semantics of
> the document, so what is the problem?

We have VERY strict rules here about code validation and HS 5 brings up
something like

> 	<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content=
> 	"The Consultative Group.">

as a serious error, therefor we have to fix it...

> From the HTML Tidy manual:
>     wrap: number
> 	Sets the right margin for line wrapping.
> 	Tidy tries to wrap lines so that they do not exceed this length.
> 	The default is 66.
> 	Set wrap to zero if you do not want line wrapping.

Thanks, will change it...good 'ol RTFM...<G>

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2000 09:43:17 UTC