The output-xhtml option recognises framesets, but inserts an incorrect DOCTYPE

I have problems using the output-xhtml option with source documents that
specify a frameset. I believe this is a bug.

If my source document is a validated XHTML Frameset document, Tidy
recognises it:

"<filename>" appears to be XHTML 1.0 Frameset

but then changes the DOCTYPE to XHTML Transitional.

Similarly, if I pass a validated HTML document using framesets, Tidy
recognises it: 

"<filename>" appears to be HTML 4.01 Frameset

but outputs XHTML with the DOCTYPE set to XHTML Transitional.

This is not the behaviour I expected from the documentation on the Tidy
home page:

> output-xhtml: bool 
>   If set to yes, Tidy will generate the pretty printed output writing it as
>   extensible HTML. The default is no. This option causes Tidy to set the
>   doctype and default namespace as appropriate to XHTML. If a doctype or
>   namespace is given they will checked for consistency with the content of the
>   document. In the case of an inconsistency, the corrected values will appear
>   in the output.


Mike Hardy
Documentation, ARM Ltd
Direct dial: +44 (0) 1223 254148

Received on Monday, 7 August 2000 06:31:49 UTC