Old problem fixed?

WRT the comment in "pending.html"

"Rick Parsons would like there to be a new wrap-attributes option that can
be used to suppress line wrapping within attributes. There is already a
similar option for JavaScript literals."

I think this was put in some time ago, at least the wrap-attributes: config
option is there and I can no longer reproduce my original problem which was
alt= and title= attribute values being wrapped.

So thanks - and the comment can be removed.

BUT - I did tempt fate and tried switching the option to yes - and it seems
to make no difference. I doesn't bother me, but others may like to switch it


Rick Parsons

EDS - DSMC Bristol GP1-2/2.11

email: mailto:rick.parsons@eds.com
internal telephone: 97883 fax: 97353

Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2000 08:31:14 UTC