addendum to <BASE> &

Ah well, I goofed a little regarding my previous message about tidying I had loaded the page in Netscape 4.08 and retrieved the HTML 
through the VIEW SOURCE feature, not considering that this does not give 
the original HTML SOURCE but the interpreted source (JavaScripts are often 
replaced with their output, for example if they contain document.write calls).

so please find attached the file that I sent to tidy, if you want to try 
and reproduce the problems...

Cyperfection - agentur fuer neue medien GmbH

Sebastian Lange

Karl-Kraemer-Str. 4
D-67061 Ludwigshafen
fon: +49-(0)621-587104-0
fax: +49-(0)621-587104-90

Anfahrt -

Received on Monday, 17 July 2000 11:45:07 UTC