[html-tidy] <none>


I'm trying to use JTidy to convert HTML to XHTML. I had trouble installing
JTidy and had to change the batch file to complete the install (I've
attached my updated version). When I run the test program from the JTidy
website, 'code example of using Java Tidy as a parser', on any web page it
spits back 6/7 errors and real bad HTML code. The worst error I get is
'unexpected </head> tag in <meta> tag'. This is the cause of the garbage
HTML created by JTidy.
I think either the install went wrong or my config settings are wrong.
During the install, the .properties file wasn't created so I just copied it
from the download. I havnen't changed the config settings since install.
Could you please send me some suggestions as to how to get it working.

David Hinshelwood
Tel: (505) 646 3342 (office)
       (505) 645 5537 (home)

Received on Wednesday, 5 July 2000 13:24:18 UTC