Re: [Moderator Action] html tidy

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Schlesinger, Karen wrote:

> We are trying to use HTML tidy version 13th January, and are
> experiencing a few difficulties when using <span
> id="foo"></span>, and also <table id="foo"></table>. Tidy is
> reading these tags as empty, and therefore removing them in the
> cleaing process. We have tried teaching tidy about these tags as
> empty and also as inline, but neither have been successful. Is
> there any way to teach tidy that these tags are not empty, but
> contain an attribute, even though there is nothing in between
> the tags?  Attached please find a copy of our config file, in
> which we defined the Tidy requirements. Any insight you can
> provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your feedback. I am working on tweaking the rules tidy
uses to prune empty elements. However, an empty table element is an
error according to the HTML specs. I would be grateful if you could
explain why you need an empty table element?


-- Dave Raggett <>
tel/fax: +44 122 578 3011 (or 2521) +44 385 320 444 (mobile)
World Wide Web Consortium (on assignment from HP Labs)

Received on Thursday, 30 March 2000 08:22:37 UTC