Re: TIDY as a COM component

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Peter Evans wrote:

> Niels Bjerre:
> > <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=160273211-12032000>I am
> > a Visual Basic Programmer and would like to integrate Tidy in a
> program.</SPAN></FONT></DIV>> I believe it has already been integrated within HTML-Kit
> but I haven't used this program myself.  I
> see why it needs to be integrated within anything; it works quite happily
> the command line and I'm grateful for the lack of flab that a GUI would

I tend to disagree. Some times you need both. The integration between
HTML-Kit and Tidy is very clean-cut and cleverly done. I use HTML-Kit more
or less as I would use Emacs to edit HTML files, but the ability to hit F9
and have Tidy validate and format my HTML code and then instantly preview
the results, speeds up my development process a lot.

> +++++++++++++++++++++
> Peter Evans

Steinar Kjærnsrød <>
InfoStream ASA

Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 14:13:46 UTC