Section handling

I created a simple Word document with 3 sections in Word2000.
Then Saved it in Office HTML format
When I run tidy on it - first section comes quite allright - but rest of
the sections 'disappear'.
On inspecting the html file I find it having multiple "div"- "/div" 's -
So does tidy *not* recognise multiple 'div's ?
Any fix for this?

PS :
I am attaching a simple html file(section.html) along with this mail,
and the parsed html file also(sectionP.html)-raw" only

Section1 page 1

Section 1 page 2

Section 2 page 1 on new page

Section 3 on same page as section 2


Section1 page 1

Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 12:46:22 UTC