logical-emphasis switch

Again, I'm new here; so sorry if this has already been discussed:

I understand why <i> and <b> are often better replaced by <em> and <strong>
respectively, but I'm surprised that there's no warning about the
"logical-emphasis" switch in the explanatory web page -- a warning that
may very often be more appropriate. If <i> is converted to <em> where
would be more appropriate (e.g. "Nabokov's <em>Lolita</em>"), I think that
a conversion slightly degrades the resulting page.  Better to have a
"meaningless" <i> tag than an inappropriate and misleading <em> tag, no?

(Incidentally, I've often wondered what's best for marking <i>mots
&eacute;trangers</i>. I usually stick to a safe <i> for them.)
Peter Evans evans@i.hosei.ac.jp

Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 12:47:32 UTC