[ENH] Report configuration filename used

This report is for the Tidy version of 13th January 2000.

Tidy's default behavior may be altered by a combination of command-line
options and options stored in a configuration file.  The use of command-
line options clearly shows what defaults have been altered.  The implicit
use of a configuration file does not.  A user of Tidy may have no idea that
an implicit configuration file (e.g., built-in to the Tidy code or set via
the environment variable) may be affecting Tidy's defaults.

Therefore, I recommend displaying a line to stderr whenever a default
configuration file is in use, for example:

  Reading configuration file "xxx"

This may be done by inserting the following code in localize.c:

  void ReportConfigFile(FILE *errout, const char *filename)
      tidy_out(errout, "Reading configuration from \"%s\"\n\n", filename);

...and the following code after line 421 of config.c:

  ReportConfigFile(stderr, fname);

Additionally, and in light of this change, it may be desirable to enhance
ParseConfigFile (defined in config.c) to take an additional parameter so
that only implicit and not command-line-specified configuration files are

                                      -- Dave

Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 12:46:57 UTC