Tidy bug report (vers 13th January 2000)

Tidy always expands '&' to '&' even if I have 'quote-ampersand: no'
defined in configuration file. This is not a good thing to do for URLs
that have '&' characters in them. OS is Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 SPARC. Same
thing happens on Alpha. Other architectures I have not tried.

My configuration looks like this:

char-encoding: latin1
error-file: ./errors
indent-spaces: 2
logical-emphasis: yes
output-xhtml: yes
quiet: no
quote-ampersand: no
show-warnings: yes
tidy-mark: yes
wrap: 78
wrap-attributes: no
write-back: yes
keep-time: yes

 "pienena   /  Paavo "Rainbow Rat" Hartikainen
  minusta  /  E-mail: pahartik@sci.fi
  tulee   /  URL: http://www.sci.fi/~pahartik/
  rotta" /  EFnet: pahartik at #Atari and #LionKing

Received on Monday, 7 February 2000 07:53:06 UTC