
Hello to all subscirbers of this list!

iīm kinda new here, so i hope i donīt violate the
Listiquette ;v) or anything with any of my questions,
(that of today, and those who might follow) but i didnīt
find a List-FAQ or anything, so iīll have to stick to my
own experiences... hopefully thatīll be okay =v)

So, here goes my first question...

Did i get it right, that html-tidy is provided under a
license, similar to the GPL ? If so, then i may add
changes to the program at any time, right ?
(iīd share them with you, if it ever happened *g*)
Okay. Assuming the answer is "Yes, you can", then
i have a problem, which might very well be based
on dumbness on my side... *g*
Well, hereīs my question: where can i get the
source-code of html-tidy? I donīt have any changes
at this moment, but i got the request (from colleagues)
to get the information whether we may and/or can
adjust the program to our "personal needs" and, if so,
how it can be done. Is the source available anywhere
or does one need to de-compile the program ?

Thanks and best wishes


Received on Tuesday, 25 January 2000 05:59:33 UTC