Re: CSS-validator to HTML-Kit

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Tapio Markula wrote:

> I downloaded the latest version, where you plugin works ok. I
> made comperehensive CSS-menu (I should include everything -
> including font matching algorith properties, which are not
> mentioned in the property table of the CSS2 specification) in
> co-operation with Chami (they made from my *.hpd files
> DLL-files), see:
> Could someone make CSS validator to HTMK-Kit? I tested TopStyle,
> which validator and CSS sweeper is today buggy (missing
> properties and their values, don't find all errors, says as
> errors definitions, which are correct). Some matters are however
> better:
> - remark if the same property is mentioned twice in the same rule
> - comments of browser support
> The designer of TopStyle promised to fix bugs to version 2.0. I
> could be however nice, if CSS could be today validate reliable
> without going to the Internet.

Adding CSS checking to HTML Tidy is a nice idea, but I have to admit
that I am too busy to do much work on this right now. Perhaps this
could be approached incrementally. It would be helpful to get a feel
for what you think are the most important style sheet errors to look
for?  Can you prioritize them?

p.s. I maintain Tidy but not HTML-Kit.


-- Dave Raggett <>
tel/fax: +44 122 578 3011 (or 2521) +44 385 320 444 (mobile)
World Wide Web Consortium (on assignment from HP Labs)

Received on Friday, 7 January 2000 05:07:38 UTC