Dom Structure and getting parents

When using Tidy.parseDom(), I am experiencing inconsitencies when attempting
to get the parent element of a particular HTML tag within the DOM.  For

        <META>MetaInfo 1</META>
        <TITLE>Contrived Example</TITLE>
        <META>MetaInfo 2</META>
        <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">..

In examples similar to this, I am calling getParent() on the "<BODY>"
element and
"<META>MetaInfo 2</META>" is being returned to me.  The parent of the
SCRIPT element is also returning "<META>MetaInfo 2</META>" .

Has anyone else experienced this particular problem?  Any suggestions would
greatly appreciated.

Scott Dossett

Received on Thursday, 29 June 2000 09:05:27 UTC