Very Tidy (24th November Edition)


Thanks for your efforts on tidy. I picked it up via freshmeat this 
morning and have been busy 'spring cleaning' ever since. I've got 
hardly anything done but at least I know that it's neat!!

I now feel duty-bound to add alt attributes to all images, give all 
tables a summary and test using Lynx - good for you.

I've only picked up on one thing (that I initially thought was down to 
<table> can apparently use the attribute 'border' without specifying a 
number in which case it just defaults to a 1-pixel border. Clearly one 
of the WYSIWYG editors I've used in the past (I hate to mention it but 
possibly M$ Frontpage) has done just that.
The output from Tidy is a table attribute as follows:


which, of course renders no border at all.

Keep up the good work,


Received on Thursday, 30 December 1999 08:32:27 UTC