
Greetings, I'm aware that this post is not strictly relevant to html-tidy,
but I thought that it may be of some interest to some of the members of
the list. I am writing a paper entitled 'Does WAP represent the future of
Information Retrieval and E-commerce?'. WAP stands for Wireless
Application Protocol, and basically means accessing web sites on your
mobile phone. There are a number of issues involved, which will affect
whether WAP undergoes the same sort of exponential growth as mobile voice.
I have written a questionnaire and hope that the replies that I recieve
will enable me to analyse the issues involved. For the results of the
questionnaire to be statistically valid, I need to have in the region of
1000-2000 replies so I ask you humbly to spend the necessary 2-3 minutes
required to fill out the following web based form:

If you could pass this message along to some of your friends also, I'd be
eternally gratefully!


Received on Thursday, 16 December 1999 21:32:43 UTC