- From: nc35046a <guidaq@netc.pt>
- Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 03:54:10 +0000
- To: "'html-tidy@w3.org'" <html-tidy@w3.org>
- Message-id: <01BF3BAF.BBF25640.guidaq@netc.pt>
Dear Sir I'm still trying to learn HTML, and I had quite a help from Html-Kit. For a few days I have been having this problem: When I try to have my code checked, the program never stops. The first time it happened, I tought it was because the file was long, with a lot of text, then I began to cut it in small parts and saving it as different files. It seemed to work, but today it happened again. I send you the file that caused the problem, and a screen capture of the program message. I never had enough patience to see if it would stop!... I use Ctrl-Alt-Del. This is not a reclamation! All I have to do is thank you and the makers of HtmlKit for giving for free such useful tools! Promise these files have no viruses that I know! All I want is to give my contribution for an even better program. Thank you so much! Guida Querido guidaq@netc.pt Some information about myself: I am a woman teacher of children from 9 to 12, and I am the webmaster of my school's homepage. (http://www.eb23-paulo-gama.rcts.pt/) I am 45 years old, and mother of a 12 year girl. I like working with computers: Word processing, a little image processing, and, of course, html! best regards!
- text/html attachment: workshop6.htm
- image/gif attachment: Image4.gif
Received on Tuesday, 30 November 1999 22:58:26 UTC