Linux OpSys

There are at least two flavors of Tidy for Linux (i.e. the Tidy RPM Package
for "Redhat", maintained by Dimitri Papadopoulos and the Tidy on "FreeBSD",
maintained by Martin Fouts).  

Are these releases of Tidy generic or interchangeable, among the different
Linux operating systems?  

If so, then could one either of these be setup on, say Caldera or SuSE?  

If not, what are the differences and is there a Tidy for Caldera or SuSE?

	James Harnett, (503) 282-8698
	P.O. Box 12150
	Portland, Oregon 97212-0150
    For technical information on viruses, worms and Trojan horses:
	Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
	(CERTŪ Coordination Center, DARPA, U.S. DOD)

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 1999 14:11:07 UTC