22oct99 issues

perverse test cases on the 22oct99 version

[a] inputs:
        <!-- presentation scope err -->
     <i><b>this is simple text data<i><b><br />

[a] yield:
     <!-- presentation scope err -->
          <i><b>this is simple text data<i><b><br />    // kept the malformed
          </b></i></b></i>                    // and double inserted the

     <!-- coerse table end? -->
     <blockquote>                        // block level
     this is simple text data<br />
          <!-- implied table, badly formed -->
          <tr><td> nested <td> rows </td></td> </tr>
     </blockquote>                       // assists in scoping

correctly produces:
     <!-- coerse table end? -->
           this is simple text data<br />
            <!-- implied table, badly formed -->

but inputs:
     [ ... snip .. ]
        <!-- coerse table end? -->
     this is simple text data<br />
        <!-- implied table, badly formed -->
        <tr><td> nested <td> rows </td></td> </tr>

        <ul><li>list item</li>/<ul>

        <!-- brkn cmt 1 -->
        <!--- brkn cmt 2 -->
        <!-- brkn zz cmt 3 -->

        <!-- presentation scope err -->
     <i><b>this is simple text data<i><b><br />

        <!-- missing alt -->
        <img src="pic.gif">

        <!-- frames no inside body -->
                <frame src="foo">

line 21 column 6 - Warning: inserting implicit <table>
line 21 column 36 - Warning: discarding unexpected </td>
line 23 column 5 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 23 column 5 - Error: <ul> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 23 column 27 - Error: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 23 column 29 - Error: <ul> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 30 column 1 - Error: <blockquote> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 32 column 1 - Warning: missing </b> before </blockquote>
line 32 column 1 - Warning: missing </i> before </blockquote>
line 32 column 1 - Warning: missing </b> before </blockquote>
line 32 column 1 - Warning: missing </i> before </blockquote>
line 34 column 1 - Error: <blockquote> isn't allowed in <tr> elements  // runs
right thru scope
line 35 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <i>
line 35 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <b>
line 36 column 6 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attribute
line 41 column 5 - Error: <frameset> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 44 column 1 - Warning: missing </table> before </body>

Received on Friday, 12 November 1999 13:47:51 UTC