- From: Grimes, Sara B. <GrimesS@missouri.edu>
- Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 14:16:25 -0600
- To: html-tidy@w3.org
Hello, I have a quick question and one possible error to note. My question is, how do I keep the <TITLE> Form </TITLE> on one line in the output, rather than three lines. The possible error is Tidy's response to my <FRAMESET> attribute "FRAMESPACING". That is an accepted attribute, but Tidy doesn't recognize it. Should I put it in as a special in-line tag? Can you do that with attributes? My code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Form</TITLE> </HEAD> <FRAMESET COLS="160,*" FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0"> <FRAME SRC="./risk_opts.asp" NAME="opts" MARGINWIDTH="15" NORESIZE> <FRAME SRC="./risk_form.asp" NAME="body" NORESIZE> </FRAMESET> </HTML> Tidy's code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Form </TITLE> </HEAD> <FRAMESET COLS="160,*" FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0"> <FRAME SRC="./risk_opts.asp" NAME="opts" MARGINWIDTH="15" NORESIZE> <FRAME SRC="./risk_form.asp" NAME="body" NORESIZE> </FRAMESET> </HTML> Tidy's errors: unknown attribute "framespacing" in Row 6, Col 5 Sorry if this is a known error -- I am really impressed with how Tidy is helping me to get my files in order and appreciate the opportunity to ask this question. Sincerely, Sara Grimes FAPRI - UMC
Received on Tuesday, 2 November 1999 15:16:30 UTC