Issues when compiling with MS VC++ 5.0


I am toying around with the idea of using tidy with some existing C++
code and have managed to compile it under MS VC++ 5.0 with just a few
problems that I thought I'd report here.  BTW, the 22Oct99 is *much*
better at this than the last version I tried (15Apr99).


In clean.c:

Bool HasOneChild(Node *node)
     return (node->content && node->content->next == null);

The C++ compiler complains about bool to Bool conversion.  Fix:

Bool HasOneChild(Node *node)
     return (Bool)((node->content && node->content->next == null));


Same issue in lexer.c:

Bool EndOfInput(Lexer *lexer)
     return  (feof(lexer->in->file));


Same issue in parser.c:

Bool IsNewNode(Node *node)
    if (node && node->tag)
        return (node->tag->model & CM_NEW);

    return yes;


In parser.c (ParseBody):


            /* avoid this error message being issued twice */
            if (!node->tag->model & CM_HEAD)
                ReportWarning(lexer, body, node, TAG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN);


                if (!node->tag->model & (CM_ROW | CM_FIELD))

I get the messages:

parser.c(2494) : warning C4806: '&' : unsafe operation: no value of
type 'bool' promoted to type 'const int' can equal the given constant

parser.c(2537) : warning C4806: '&' : unsafe operation: no value of
type 'bool' promoted to type 'const int' can equal the given constant

These look like bugs.  In the first case CM_HEAD is defined (1<<2)
which can never bit-and with 1.  Same thing for (CM_ROW | CM_FIELD).


I don't know how many folks are compiling tidy with C++ other than
myself but since it's so close to being compatible now I hope that
it stays that way.  Thanks for the good work.

George Nelan

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 17:22:18 UTC