Tidy Enhancement Request


In our implementation of HTML, we rely on server side includes to
populate many areas of our code. One such area is the BODY tag because
we put an extensive amount of information within this tag and need it
standardized throughout our site.

What this means is that none of our files contain a BODY tag, just a
Server Side include at the beginning which contains all of this
information. The problem I'm facing is that TIDY enforces a BODY tag
into any file we process with it.

I'd love to see a feature added to TIDY allowing you to turn off
checking for tags like BODY, HTML, TITLE, and HEAD. This would allow us
to automate TIDY. As of now, I have to manually run it on each
individual HTML file, then strip the BODY tags from the documents.


eBusiness Team - VERITAS Software

Received on Monday, 18 October 1999 11:10:22 UTC