RE: How do I use tidy ?

Yes there is (for Windows) - HTML Kit (
<> )

Richard Allsebrook
Webmaster - Easysoft Limited <> 
* No 3 the Embankments, Leeds LS1 4BJ, UK
*+44 0113 2220400

		-----Original Message-----
		From:	Randy Waki []
		Sent:	17 September 1999 19:11
		To:	HTML Tidy Mailing List
		Subject:	RE: How do I use tidy ? 

		Rodeo Red wrote:
		> I have read the section on how to run tidy on this
		> but I don't see how to follow the instuctions;
		> How to run tidy
		>             tidy [[options] filename]*
		> How do I use this ? How do I put any input into the
program ?
		> Then later it says : To get a list of available options
		>             tidy -help
		> How do I use this  line ? I type it in, press enter,  and
		> happens.

		I assume you are using Windows.

		You have to open a DOS window first.  Go to the Start menu,
choose Programs,
		then choose "DOS Prompt" or "Command Prompt" or something
like that.  Then
		you can type.

		However, if you're totally unfamiliar with the DOS prompt,
you may encounter
		additional obstacles.  I don't know if there is a more
friendly front-end
		available for Tidy...


Received on Monday, 20 September 1999 06:38:16 UTC