new-inline-tags in vers. 26th July


I'm following this list loosely so I am
not sure if
this possible bug has not been reported before:

First I can say it is ok with the release 
of the 15th of April.

When I am using an element <foo> I can turn
the error into a warning by configuring:

     new-inline-tags: foo

This works with the following HTML-file:

TEST <foo>
Although the missing </foo> is warned.

With the new  release it does not work
neither with

     new-empty-tags: foo

nor with

     new-inline-tags: foo

It results in an error.

Please, can someone verify this or just tell
me that I did something wrong?



P.S.: Tidy is great :-))


Received on Saturday, 28 August 1999 18:49:47 UTC