Problems with mapping OL to BLOCKQUOTE.


The following invalid content HTML script will cause an infinite looping
problem discarding
unexpected </OL> at line 11 when processed by the 26th July 1999 version
of HTML Tidy.

<TITLE>The Title</TITLE>
<FONT color="blue"><B>Blue Bold Text
<LI>Item 1</LI>
<LI>Item 2</LI>

The infinite looping problem can be prevented with the following code
patch for the ParseBlock
routine in the parser.c file.

Orignal source code (starting around line 550 in parce.c):
else /* things like list items */


    if (node->tag->model & CM_LIST)
        if (element->parent->tag == tag_ul || element->parent->tag ==

         node = InferredTag(lex,"ul");
    else if ( node->tag->model & CM_DEFLIST)

Modified source code:
else /* things like list items */


    if (node->tag->model & CM_LIST)
        if (element->parent->tag == tag_ul || element->parent->tag ==

         if ( element->was == tag_ol )
             node = InferredTag(lex,"ol");
             node = InferredTag(lex,"ul");
    else if ( node->tag->model & CM_DEFLIST)

The repaired HTML script produced by HTML Tidy with the above code patch
is as follows.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
<TITLE>The Title</TITLE>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT color="blue"><B>Blue Bold Text</B></FONT>
<LI><FONT color="blue"><B>Item 1</B></FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color="blue"><B>Item 2</B></FONT></LI>

Although the code patch fixes the infinite looping problem and correctly
repairs the invalid HTML script presented above, I am not certain the
code patch is %100 correct.

Gary Deschaines

Received on Friday, 20 August 1999 18:01:29 UTC