disappearing framesets


I seem to have a problem with framesets - HTMLTidy removes them!

I am using the build 260 of HTML-Kit, and the doc I'm trying to tidy is:

<TITLE id="title">FleetWatch Standard User Profile</TITLE>
<frameset cols="180,*">
<frame name="CDOM" src="treeView" id="treeView">
  <FRAMESET ROWS="*,200">
    <FRAME SRC="MapView" name="CDOM" id="MapView"></frame>
    <FRAME SRC="NoticeBoard" name="CDOM" id="NoticeBoard"></frame>

Looks pretty simple huh! Comes out as:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN">
<title id="title">FleetWatch Standard User Profile</title>

Look Ma, no frames!
Any suggestions would be appreciated.



P.S. No warnings are given

P.P.S. Can you please reply to me personally as I cannot join this mailing

Received on Wednesday, 11 August 1999 06:03:41 UTC