Ilayer and multicol not recognized

The proprietary elements MULTICOL and ILAYER (introduced by netscape) are not
recognized by Html tidy

In my just created IE4+NN4 DTD those are defined as follows:

<!ELEMENT MULTICOL  - - (%flow;)* -- Multicolumn Layout (NN)-->
  cols           NUMBER   #REQUIRED -- Number of columns --
  gutter         %Pixels; #IMPLIED  -- Distance between columns --
  width          %Pixels; #IMPLIED  -- Width of each column --

(blocklevel element)

<!ELEMENT (LAYER|ILAYER)  - - (%flow;)* -- layer and inline layer (NN)-->
  background       %URI;    #IMPLIED  -- URI of background image for layer --
  bgcolor          %Color;  #IMPLIED  -- Background color. --
  clip             CDATA    #IMPLIED  -- A string containing four
                                         comma-separated pixel positions that
                                         form a rectangle in the layer that is
                                         displayed --
  height           %Length; #IMPLIED  -- Height of layer. --
  left             %Pixels; #IMPLIED  -- Horizontal position of inflow
                                         layer --
  pagex            %Pixels; #IMPLIED  -- Horizontal position of layer relative
                                         to window. --
  pagey            %Pixels; #IMPLIED  -- Vertical position of layer relative
                                         to window. --
  src              %URI;    #IMPLIED  -- URI of HTML document containing
                                         layer's contents. --
  top              %Pixels; #IMPLIED  -- Vertical position of inflow layer --
  visibility       CDATA    #IMPLIED  -- A value of show displays the layer
                                         (default). A value of hidden hides
                                         layer. A value of inherit indicates
                                         the layer has the same visibility as
                                         its parent --
  width            %Length; #IMPLIED  -- Width of layer. --
  z-index          NUMBER   #IMPLIED  -- Stacking order of layer --
  above            IDREF    #IMPLIED  -- Indicates that the layer should be
                                         positioned above
                                         the specified layer. --
  below            IDREF    #IMPLIED  -- Indicates that the layer should be
                                         positioned below the specified
                                         layer --

(blocklevel element)

 Bjoern Hoehrmann

Received on Friday, 6 August 1999 16:06:58 UTC