Re: 26-Jul-99 bug: Bad <font> in <tr> causes crash

At 11:45 AM -0600 7/27/99, Randy Waki wrote:
>Thanks for the new release!  Incidentally, the bugs I recently reported in
>the 7-Jul-99 Tidy are reproducible in the new 29-Jul-99 version.
>Here's a new bug report:
>The HTML document below has a table row containing a bad <font> tag with no
>content, no ending </font> tag, and no enclosing table cell.  26-Jul-99 Tidy
>crashes (on Windows NT, at least) trying to access an illegal address.  Andy
>Quick's 7-Jul-99 Java version also crashes (with a NullPointerException),
>suggesting that the problem in the C version is with the value of prev in
>parser.c, TrimInitialSpace(), line 194:
>    if (prev->type == TextNode)
>-------- Example HTML document --------
>  <head>
>    <title>t</title>
>  </head>
>  <body>
>    <table summary="s">
>      <tr>
>        <font>
>      </tr>
>    </table>
>  </body>

Just an FYI, it is not crashing on the Mac OS version.

Here is the error output I am getting from the test case above (using the
26th July 99 sources ) :

Tidy (vers 26th July 1999) Parsing "bad <font> in <tr>.html"
line 8 column 9 - Warning: <font> isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 9 column 7 - Warning: discarding unexpected </tr>
line 10 column 5 - Warning: discarding unexpected </table>
line 11 column 3 - Warning: missing </font> before </body>
line 11 column 3 - Warning: trimming empty <font>
line 11 column 3 - Warning: trimming empty <tr>
line 11 column 3 - Warning: missing </table> before </body>
line 11 column 3 - Warning: trimming empty <table>

"bad <font> in <tr>.html" appears to be HTML 4.0 Transitional
8 warnings/errors were found!

Here is the cleaned output :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

Regards, Terry

Received on Saturday, 31 July 1999 23:24:30 UTC