Re: blank <p> paragraphs

PM to you only, I think this is Off-Toppic for the mailinglist.

> also img needing alt and table needing summary attributes
> so i put in null string attributes and no error msg was raised
> but it should say that meaningful text is required
> alt="" sushes detector but doesnt help viewer.......

there _are_ a lot of meanigless immages and tables around in the web.

For those alt="" is corect to use. Why schould eg LYNX-Users read
[decoration] or [tabel for design-trick] all the time?

Greeting, Michi
(and a big RTFM for you, read all the Texts Dave Ragget wrote on the
W3C-site. _He_ is the one who invented the HTML 4.0- Standard ;-)
wir feiern ein Liebesfest            und draussen ist Krieg
wir vergessen was um uns ist         es gibt uns doch nur den Rest
wir machen lieber die Augen zu       wir machen lieber die Augen zu ...
(SPLIFF 1982)

Received on Thursday, 22 July 1999 18:02:35 UTC