Tidy Porting issues

Dear Folks,

As promised earlier, here is a list of issues I have run into while porting
"tidy" to Mac OS, with the hope that maybe Dave can make changes to the
base source code to make my (and possibly other peoples') life easier.

1) Minor bugs in the "tidy" base source code :

(a) attrs.c - line 18

	Attribute *attr_usemap;

This line is a repeat of the line above it (line 17). It does no harm, but
could be removed.

2) Platform OS/Development Environment specific porting issues :

(a) in platform.h, newer versions of "tidy" do :

	#include <malloc.h>

Standard ANSI C (as per K&R) and my development environment (Metrowerks
Standard Library) don't have a "malloc.h", but rather declare the memory
allocation functions in "stdlib.h".

I simply changed the #include to :

	#include <malloc.h>

(b) Because I take advantage of pre-compiled headers for the Mac OS
Toolbox, there are a couple of conflicts between "tidy" and the Mac OS
ToolBox ("Universal Headers"). Specifically :

html.h :

	typedef struct _style Style;

conflicts with the Mac OS ToolBox Text Style structure. I changed the line to :

	typedef struct _style tStyle;	/* TRT */

and replaced every occurence in the "tidy" base source code of "Style" with

	char *EntityName(uint n);

conflicts with the Mac OS ToolBox AppleTalk Networking EntityName
structure. I changed the line to :

	char *tEntityName(uint n);	/* TRT */

and replaced every occurence in the "tidy" base source code of "EntityName"
with "tEntityName".

One way to avoid this problem for all platforms would be to name all "tidy"
types, variables, functions, etc with a prefix (e.g. HT_   for "HTMLTidy").

(c) While no longer part of the standard "tidy" base source code, I
continue to use "memory.c" for all my memory allocation functions. I have
heavily modified this file for my needs. I have also modified "platform.h"
and "tidy.c" to handle debug and non-debug versions of memory allocators,
now found in "memory.c".

I believe one of the first problems I ran into was an apparent non-portable
#define in "memory.c" :

	#define BLKHDR   16

I changed this to :

	#define BLKHDR   sizeof(struct _memlink) - sizeof(uint)	/* TRT */

(d) If I try to compile the "tidy" base source code with a C++ compiler (my
application is written in C++, and for debugging purposes I can include the
"tidy" base source code directly in the build of the application), I get
various syntax errors. The "tidy" base source code could probably be
changed so it compiles with C++, but I work around the problem, by
including the following early in "platform.h" :

	/* TRT */
	#ifdef	__cplusplus

	#pragma	cplusplus off
	#undef	__cplusplus

(e) Line termination :

While the "tidy" base source code tries to do a good job with handling line
termination (linefeed, carriage return), I ran into some problems with
early versions of "tidy" that I couldn't find an easy way of addressing in
the base source code (probably because I didn't understand the source so
well originally).

Fortunately my development environment allows me (relatively easily) to map
the "\n" and "\r" characters to 1 of 2 possible encodings, and this helps,
but for best results, the input HTML files should be using line termination
specific to the Mac OS platform.

I don't know if there is an easy answer to this issue.

3) Application Environment specific porting issues :

(a) "stdio" :

Because my application is a graphical user interface (GUI) based
application environment I don't use standard C I/O ("stdio") for providing
the I/O. So I had to provide equivalent functionality, and change the
"tidy" base source code in a lot of places to use my equivalents.

The inclusion of "tidy_out()" was a good start in the right direction to
make "tidy" truely portable, but I believe more could be done.

What I would like to see (if possible) are macros (or typedefs and wrapper
functions) in "platform.h" that look like "stdio", and by default use
"stdio", but can easily be changed to a different implementation, by simply
changing the code in one place ("html.h"), and providing the alternate

For example, these are basically the changes I made in "platform.h" (I
changed the names slightly for the purpose of this EMail) :

	FILE *fp;
	tFile *fp;	/* TRT */

and "tFile" is my specific implementation of a "FILE". I added the
following functions :

	/* i/o functions */
	int tgetc(tFile * file);
	int tputc(int c, tFile * file);
	/* int tfprintf(tFile * file, const char * format, ...); */
	int tfeof(tFile * file);
	tFile * tfopen(const char * name, const char * mode);
	int tfflush(tFile * file);
	int tfclose(tFile * file);
	int tunlink(const char * name);

these are my specific implementations of the "stdio" functions. I also
provided that implementation.

But the biggest job was globally replacing all the references to "stdio"
throughout the "tidy" base source code with references to my
implementation. The changing wasn't the big problem, but trying to upgrade
from one version of "tidy" to a newer one, made life sometimes difficult
and error prone. When the "tidy" base source code changes between versions
are minor (as is the case recently), I have got the "science" down to an

But it would really make my job easier, if I only had to change the I/O
implementation in 1 or 2 places. Admittedly I haven't tried the reverse
approach - defining macros that redefine "stdio" types and functions - not
sure how easy that would be, considering I still need some stuff from
"stdio" - e.g. "sprintf()".

(b) Command-line interface :

Since my application is a GUI based application environment, I had no need
for the command-line interface (CLI). Originally I emulated "argc" and
"argv" to use the existing "tidy" base source code, but in the end I
replaced the options processing with my specific implementation.

This is not really an issue, just thought I would point it out as one more
thing I do when porting "tidy".

(c) Global variables :

The use of global variables throughout the "tidy" base source code has made
my life more difficult.

Particularly the private "static" globals, especially the "hash tables"
used in "attrs.c", "config.c", "entities.c", and "tags.c".

I ended up changing the word "static" to "STATIC" and defining "STATIC" in
"platform.h" as necessary. I also added an "EXTERN" definition for similar
purposes. I renamed the "hash table" variables to have unique names (e.g.
"ahashtab", "chashtab", "ehashtab", and "thashtab"), so I could make them
"extern" without having duplicate definitions.

There are a lot of other things I did, which are beyond the scope of this
EMail (unless you are really interested in the gory details).

Anyway, any improvements in this area would be greatly appreciated.

This will do it for the moment.

Regards, Terry

Received on Saturday, 10 July 1999 21:21:34 UTC