Re: Request for Tidy to ignore 'user defined' tags

| > I like to use Tidy to clean up and verfiy the html generated by Tango.
| > Unfortunately, when I run the Tango generated code through build 242 I
| > get a warning and nothing appears in the output section.  I have to
| > remove the <@include> tags to get output.
| Tidy works by creating a clean html parse tree and printing it
| out. You can tell tidy about new tags but I need more information
| before determining what to do about Tango.

Maybe a new option in the config file can do so in a more general way.

Ignore-Tags: <@include>, <@whatever>, <something>

Tidy ignores those tags or, if there is a end tag, anything between that tag
and it's end-tag.

Oh, i've just seen the new-*-tags option. Couldn't this be used for the wished

But i do not prefer this possibility, i would use e.g. lynx -source to get the
parsed source from a Tango Server and then run tidy like:

LYNX -SOURCE | tidy -config tidy.conf

The only problem with this technique is, that -m (for modifying the source)
wont work, but you can workaround that with a script that requests e.g.
http://server/file.html and puts the tidy output back to that file by
referencing locally, as /file.html.
In Dos Batch language this would look like:

for %a in (*.html) do call LYNX -SOURCE >%a


Received on Friday, 2 July 1999 16:02:07 UTC