
In the 26 June version of tidy, an unescaped ampersand appears to be being
replaced by ∓ rather than &

Worse, & appears to be being replaced by ∓!

My source file had the phrase "AT&T Bell Laboratories"

   Tidy (vers 14th April 1999) produced the warning
   line 182 column 3 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&T"

   and corrected the file to read "AT&T Bell Laboratories"


   Tidy (vers 26th June 1999) produced the same warning
   line 182 column 3 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&T"

   but corrected the file to "AT∓T Bell Laboratories"

If the corrected file from the 14 April version is then presented to the 26
June version the correct "AT&T Bell Laboratories" is then changed to
"AT∓T Bell Laboratories" despite the fact that "no warnings or errors
were found" in the file.

Gareth Suggett
Technical Editor
Journals Production Department
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Baffins Lane
West Sussex
PO19 1UD

Received on Thursday, 1 July 1999 07:31:21 UTC