
Many thanks for creating and allowing access to HTML Tidy.  I've just
this minute finished completing the validation of a 1Mb HTML file. 
Without HTML Tidy I would never have been able to validate this offline
in so short a time.  I found many many errors that I would never have
spotted manualy.

May I make a few suggestions for possible improvements?

I'm using the version "15th april 1999" - so apologies if things have
changed since then...

* On the web page there is an
error in the "Using a Configuration File" section.  There are two
instances of the quote-marks option - the second should be

* Again on the same page (although this may be my local copy) there are
two instances of the & coming out as & - presumably the underlying
HTML code has ∓ and not & - they are located under the two
quote-marks options (as mentioned above).

* The wrap option only accepts a numeric value - there is no ability to
specify nowrap - could this be added in a future version?

* The markup option - signifies that a file is to be updated/created
with a pretty printed version of the file. Unless I am mistaken there is
no ability to update/create a page without the pretty print option. 
This then doesn't allow the ability to use HTML Tidy to create XML or
XHTML outputs without pretty printing, and also doesn't allow the
ability to use HTML Tidy to just convert uppercase tags/attributes to
lowercase - something I'm keen to do.

Again - thanks for HTML Tidy - I found it very useful, and I'll be using
it quite a lot in the future.

Martin Webb

Internet Related Technologies -

Received on Saturday, 19 June 1999 08:00:01 UTC